The tabs visible with Admin Mode are based on Access Group membership and may include: Schools, Classes, Students, Staff, Access Groups, and More.
- Not all tabs display for every leader.
- Selecting a tab will drill into an area and may expand toolbar options.
If rosters are automatically syncing using Clever, ClassLink, or SFTP, you may notice that some areas can not be edited or are overwritten by a nightly sync.
The School tab opens to a list view of schools that fall under this subscription. From here, a Gradient Leader can edit a unique School_ID (required for importing with a file) and download/print the list view. Selecting a school will create a filter to change toolbar options and drill in to other areas of Admin Mode.
- A Gradient Leader with System Admin access will see all schools on this tab.
- A Gradient Leader with School Support or Instructional Leader access will see only the school(s) they have been associated with and will need to click on the school name to access the other tabs within Admin Mode.
The Classes tab shows a list view of current classes that have been manually added, imported with a data file, or synced with Clever or ClassLink. Icons next to the class name describe how they've been created. The non-synced classes (represented by a building icon) can be edited by selecting the check box next to a Class Name. The list view can be filtered to other terms or academic years.
The Student tab shows a list view of current students that have been manually added, imported with a data file, or synced with Clever or ClassLink. The non-synced students (represented by a building icon) can be edited by selecting the check box next to a Student Name. If custom fields (demographics) have been imported for the students, the choice to Edit Custom Data also appears as an option on the toolbar. The list view can be filtered to other terms or academic years.
The Staff tab opens to a list view of current teachers that have been manually added, imported with a data file, or synced with Clever or ClassLink. The non-synced staff (represented by a building icon) can be edited or deactivated by selecting the check box next to a Staff Member's Name. Selecting a staff member will show classes that the staff is rostered to, if applicable. The list view can be filtered to view All Active Staff, Non-teaching Staff (defined as staff without current rosters), and Inactive Staff.
Tip! Non-teaching staff (Principals, APs, coaches, etc.) must be associated with a school in order to login to Gradient and then will likely need to be added as a member of an access group to perform other tasks (like viewing assignment reports, managing staff access, etc.)
The access group tab typically shows for Gradient System Administrators only and allows the leader to manage roles and permissions for staff across the subscription. Access group membership is only required for staff that need permissions or feature access beyond the default teacher mode granted to all users included in the roster sync/import.
The More tab shows a menu for more subscription management functions. This includes Reports, Groups, Terms, Imports, Custom Standards, Custom Fields, and the Audit Log. More details can be viewed for each of these in the Help Center.
Account Menu
The Account Menu within Admin Mode may show options for Combined Import, Settings, or Return to Teacher Mode (depending on the leader's access group membership).
Choosing Settings will allow a Gradient Leader with System Admin access to view or change the global subscription level settings for all schools and staff.
Search Bar
Each tab has a search bar to find what is needed quickly.
Each Tab will offer different tool icons determined by the options for each area. The toolbar will include options for downloading, printing, and editing. To access more editing tool icons, check the box in front of the item needing editing.
Each tab offers different filters determined by the options for each area. Filters are available in either the left side panel or the drop-down menu under the toolbar.
The feature(s) mentioned in this article are only available to Gradient for Schools & Districts subscribers. Please contact to upgrade your subscription for this feature.
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