When managing rosters with a File Import, admins are required to create terms before importing classes and rosters. If your organization uses a roster sync source, terms will automatically get created in your account when the sync runs.
How Terms Work
Term dates determine what information displays as current for staff access to classes, students, and assignment delivery, and grading within Gradient. Staff can view data connected to previous or future rosters by using filters within Gradient, but can not print forms, scan, set up online access, or grade from rosters that are not current.
Terms synced from Clever or ClassLink will be shown in Gradient in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) format.
When editing terms it's best to create or edit terms at the source. You may still edit them in Gradient, but any changes to the term dates made at the source will override your manual edits.
- The Gradient System Admin typically creates terms each academic year in Admin Mode for file imports and manual rostering.
- Term Padding can be used in conjunction with Term Dates to extend staff access to current rosters beyond the term dates that signal changes to the class schedules.
To manage terms enter Admin Mode, select the More tab, and choose Terms from the drop-down menu.
Create a Term
You only need to create a term manually if...
- your organization is not syncing rosters from Clever/ClassLink or
- if you are setting up a term for classes that will be created outside of the roster sync.
Use the steps below to create a term:
3. Select Save to update your terms. |
Term Name Tips & Recommendations
Typical term names may include the following:
- Yearlong, Full Year
- S1, S2, Sem 1, Sem 2,
- T1, T2, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
Unique IDs for terms may include term name and year.
- 23-24 FY
- 23-24 S1
- 23-24 Q1-Q2
If terms are unique to schools, we recommend adding the school abbreviation to the term name.
For example, schools Washington High School and Lincoln Elementary School, the term names may look like the following:
- WHS 23-24 S1
- WHS 23-24 S2
- LES 23-24 Yearlong
Edit a Term
Use the steps below to edit the Term Name, Unique ID (Term_ID), Dates, or School associations of terms.
Check the box in front of the term to be edited and choose the Edit icon from the toolbar on the right. | |
The Name and Unique ID (Term_ID) can be edited if there is no nightly roster sync setup. Edit the Start Date or End Date by typing or selecting from the calendar. Select Save to update the terms. |
Term FAQs
Common support questions that you may be addressed by reviewing your terms:
Q: Classes appear to be duplicated. Why?
A: This may be caused by two terms with similar dates or overlapping dates.
Q: Some classes have a yearlong term, and others have quarter or semester terms. Why are teachers are reporting that classes have disappeared or are not showing?
A: Verify that classes are associated with the appropriate term in your roster syncing source or your import file. Check start/end dates for the terms of the reported "missing classes."
Q: Why are classes still showing as current but the term end date has already ended?
A: This may be a result of overlapping terms or term padding. By default, Term Padding is set to 7 days before and after the term dates. You may remove term padding or extend it as needed.
Q: Why are teachers reporting that scores disappeared for an assignment at the term change?
A: All Teacher pages in Gradient default to the current term. This includes the assignment list, the responses tab within an assignment, the students and classes pages, and reports. When the term dates have passed, the page will display the next term's data, and if there is no current term, the data will appear blank until a FILTER is used to select a term from the past for viewing.
The feature(s) mentioned in this article require membership to the System Admin (association to All Schools) or School Support (association to the selected school) Access Group. For more information about how to be designated as a Gradient Leader for this purpose, please read our Overview of Managing Gradient article.
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