GradeCam provides three options for rostering:
- Nightly automated roster sync with Clever or ClassLink
- Importing a file using the Combined Import process
- Manually creating or editing rosters within Gradient
The benefits of using a roster sync solution are:
- Roster setup in Gradient is a breeze taking minutes, not weeks.
- Leaders don’t burn out because they can set it and forget it when it comes to their rosters each term.
- Teachers (and students) can log in with Google, Clever, or ClassLink and don’t have to learn a new password.
- Reports are consistent and your data is reliable because it’s not being manually entered.
- Staff can take advantage of integrations with Canvas and Schoology.
Sync with Clever or ClassLink (the most popular option)
Notify your school or district IT leader that you would like to share roster data with Gradient via Clever/ClassLink for the school subscription(s). Reference the Help Center articles Clever Sync or ClassLink Sync.
- Once you and your Clever/ClassLink Lead have verified that the data for the schools, terms, and sections needed for staff access look accurate, contact, and we will enable the sync from our end.
- Schedule a FREE roster consultation once you have completed your System Admin training, or reach out to your Gradient Leaders to provide the support you need.
Import a File (requires a working knowledge of your SIS and Excel)
Gradient rostering can be completed by importing a file containing the schools, terms, staff, classes, and students. Use the article Import File Template Overview to format the file for roster upload.
- If you already have System Admin access, after creating your import file, you can follow these steps to complete your Combined Import.
- Schedule a FREE roster consultation once you have completed your System Admin training, or reach out to your Gradient Leaders to provide you the access and training you need.
Manually Create / Edit Rosters
Sometimes even when there is a roster sync or file import, a Gradient System Admin needs to be able to manually add staff (i.e. counselors or coaches), create a class for a special testing scenario (i.e. Mock SAT), or make other edits. Gradient Leaders with permission to School Support or System Admin access can manually make adjustments to rostering (not coming from a synced source).
Ongoing Roster Management
Whatever rostering method you choose, your organization will need to designate a Gradient Leader to serve in the role of System Admin of the subscription. This person can delegate tasks to others and access free training resources, but will be responsible for:
- Starting the Academic Year in Gradient (and Terms if using a file import)
- Determining which staff get extended permissions in Gradient and which staff need to be added beyond the sync or import (if applicable)
- Uploading rosters throughout the year, making updates to terms if needed, thinking about a system for class changes (if a sync isn't being used), and managing staff/student movement
- Communicating to staff when and how teachers, classes, and students are updated in Gradient
- How to request a change or report an error in rostering (maybe a student is in the wrong class, a staff member wants extended permissions, a class is still appearing on their Gradient schedule once the term has ended, etc.)
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