NEW! - Extra Credit Questions! 🎉
Teachers can now assign Extra Credit questions on:
- Observational forms
- Multiple Choice
- True/false
- Number Grid
- Numeric
- Fill in the Blank
- Rubric/Points
- Open response capture
Simply toggle the Extra Credit option ON, and the points for that question will be extra credit! Students will receive additional points for a correct answer but will not lose points for an incorrect answer.
Note: This means some students may show scores over 100%.
Updated Login Pages for Students and Teachers
Our login page has a refreshed look and feel. It provides an improved experience on computer monitors (or any widescreen device) as well!
Other Updates:
- When navigating to admin mode, users will see Enter Admin Mode rather than Administer <District Name>
- A school-specific administrator will now enter Admin Mode at the district. From there, they will select which school they are administering.
- When creating access for any staff member, a login invite will no longer be automatically sent. The admin will need to send the invitation manually.
Ever since the latest release I can no longer sign in with google on the android app. The Google button doesn't even appear on the log in screen.
Thank you for reporting this, Mario! I'm having our team look into this.
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