Admin Assignment Usage Reports
We are excited to roll out the new Admin Assignment Usage Reports. These reports allow administrators to quickly view assignment usage data by School, Teacher, and/or Class. The data provides valuable information on the number of assignments being used, as well as the delivery method(s) for those assignments.
To find the new reports, navigate to Admin Mode and click the "More" button along the top. From there, you'll see "Reports."
On December 21, 2022, we added the Responses report shown below.
Co-Teachers Updates
With this update, administrators can now create classes with co-teachers in Admin mode.
To edit existing classes that were not created with Clever or ClassLink, visit the Classes tab. Select the Class and click the Edit button. From there, you can add co-teacher(s).
When creating classes, the option to add co-teachers is displayed during creation.
At this time, co-teachers can be added manually, as shown below, or via Clever or ClassLink. Currently, co-teachers can not yet be added through the use of an import file.
Co-Teachers will be able to view Classes and Students like the Primary Teacher but will not see assignment results for these classes or students (just like all teachers) unless the assignments have been shared.
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