Respondus LockDown Browser is now available on PC and Mac!
(And Chrome OS on Chromebooks!)
We are excited to add a new option for providing secure assessments. The Respondus LockDown Browser prevents students from accessing other applications, copying, and pasting to/from the Student Portal, and navigating to another URL. When students begin an assignment in the LockDown Browser, they are locked into the assignment until the assignment has been turned in or the assignment window has ended. LockDown Browser is particularly suited for proctored quizzes in a lab or classroom.
- School Leaders can learn more about the LockDown Browser – Respondus Setup.
- Teachers can learn more about the Respondus LockDown Browser Restriction feature.
Note: The LockDown Browser must be installed on student devices before checking the box for this setting.
Check out our new logo throughout the application!
Learn more about the logo change here. Find out about Gradient Plan options here.
Google Classroom Roster Sync
Teachers will no longer be able to use Google Classroom roster sync after the 21-22 school year. Teachers currently using this can continue for the remainder of the school year. Please look over the rostering options available to School/District subscriptions here or contact to find out other options.
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