Teachers renewing or upgrading their Gradient for Individual Teachers subscription can follow the steps in the Gradient Teacher Premium support article.
If your school or district is looking to renew Gradient, please use the Renewals process information below. You will also find helpful answers to questions you might have about your Gradient For Schools/Districts subscription. We hope that Gradient is a valuable tool for your team!
The renewal of a Gradient for Schools subscription begins with a Gradient Leader requesting a renewal quote via this survey.
When do we need to renew?
Notices are sent to the current Account Admin designated on the survey (Gradient Lead and System Admin) at 90, 45, 30, and 7 days before expiration and to all staff as a countdown within Gradient. The renewal process from survey completion, contact updates, quote generation, PO request, and PO processing may take 1-3 weeks to complete depending on your organization's approval process. It can take the Renewals team up to a week to process the renewal after receiving a PO/payment (during the months of August and September).
Where can I access resources around the renewal options?
Gradient Leaders identified on the survey can request a consultation via success@gradecam.com to evaluate staff usage, learn about plan options, and seek out training resources for the upcoming renewal year. Gradient Leader resources are available here.
What if my organization does not want to renew?
Thirty days before the expiration of the Gradient for Schools subscription, a countdown banner appears in-app to give staff time to download data connected to assignments or print off answer keys if needed, as users will lose access the day after the expiration date. For additional tips about the expiration process, read below.
Expiration Process
When a Gradient for Schools/Districts subscription expires, staff will not be able to log into Gradient unless they previously had an Individual Teacher subscription. All rosters, assignments, and data previously managed by a Gradient System Admin for the School/District subscription will not be accessible. If they would like to start using Gradient again, they will need to Sign Up for an Individual Teacher account.
Gradient for Schools Subscription FAQs
Q: What happens to my account when the subscription expires?
A: When the subscription expires, your user account expires, and you will lose access to log in. Any assignment keys and data will not be accessible after the license expiration date. Learn more about your current plan features here.
Q: Can the organization purchase Individual Teacher Premium licenses for teachers who want to continue?
A: Schools can pay for 10 or more Individual Teacher Premium subscriptions. However, assignments and data created within the Gradient for Schools subscription will not transfer to Individual Teacher Premium subscriptions. Staff would be starting over or picking up from where they left off (if they previously had an Individual Teacher subscription). Staff will be asked to use a new email (as their work email was likely connected to the previous Gradient for Schools subscription) or will have the option to disconnect their work email.
Q: Can assignments and data be restored if the Gradient for Schools subscription is renewed after the expiration date?
A: Most likely, yes, but there is a limited grace period to restore Gradient for Schools subscription data after the expiration date.
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