1. Teacher Premium vs Gradient for Schools
A Teacher Premium Plan (or free trial) subscription allows an educator to get a taste of what Gradient by GradeCam offers to schools and districts.
- Review the Plan Overview article to see the options and find what will work best for your goals.
- Keep in mind that data and assignments are not transferable from one subscription type to another.
Teacher Premium vs Gradient for Schools?
- Teacher Premium subscriptions (or Free Trials) are a great way to try out Gradient for a short time frame.
- A Teacher Premium subscription could also be a good long-term solution for a teacher who doesn't have the option to work collaboratively in a PLC or with course-alike teachers within their organization.
Ultimately, if Gradient...
- ... will be used by at least one other person on your team it's better to get the sharing options from a school subscription.
- ... may be a supplement to your LMS, it makes grading easier and feedback quicker to use the school subscription integrations.
- ... is used online with students shared across staff, it streamlines student logins with Clever, Classlink, Canvas, Schoology, and Google Classroom.
- ... or if you plan to use it as a formative tool, there are more reporting options for teachers and leaders using the school subscription.
Renewal Steps
Prior to a Teacher Premium (or free trial) subscription expiration, a 30-day countdown banner will appear in-app with a reminder to renew and a link to this article.
- To renew or upgrade the plan, navigate to your initials in the top right corner to reveal the Account Menu, choose Settings, and select Plan.
- Add your credit card information and click PURCHASE to submit your secure credit card payment for the monthly ($14.99) or yearly ($149.99) auto-renewal pricing.
Subscription Payment In-App
Note: To avoid auto-renewal charges, allow the initial charge to process, and then Stop Payments to remove the card from your Plan Settings. This ensures uninterrupted service for the subscription period while preventing future auto-renewals.
Expiration Process
When the Individual Teacher Premium subscription is about to expire, each user may:
- Reach out to leadership about upgrading to a Gradient for Schools & Districts subscription!
- Pay for their Individual Teacher Premium subscription by credit card following the steps above.
- Let the Teacher Premium subscription expire to the Individual Teacher Limited account (see plan features here)
- Teacher Limited users can only access previously created assignments that fit the limited plan features, are limited assignment and question types (multiple choice questions up to 50 questions or less) and do not have student portal or online access.
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