Note: The default System Administrator, School Support, and Instructional Leader Access Groups already have this permission enabled by default.
If you have staff members who need the ability to be able to view another staff member's Gradient account without requiring the sharing of sensitive login credentials, you may want to consider creating a Custom Access Group titled Helpdesk Admin.
Enable the following permissions under the Roster Management category to create the custom Helpdesk Admin group:
Once the custom Helpdesk Admin group has been created, follow the steps in Custom Access Groups to add staff members.
Move Students
For organizations with a Gradient for Schools or Districts subscription that roster students manually via file, there is a permission available for teachers to be able to move imported students in and out of their own classes without needing to request an admin to make the change(s) in Admin Mode on their behalf. This permission will enable an Add button on the Classes page.
Note: This permission should NOT be enabled for organizations using automated roster syncing, because any changes made by teachers will get overwritten with the nightly roster sync.
Enable the following permissions under the Roster Management category to create the custom Move Students group:
Once the custom Move Students group has been created, follow the steps in Custom Access Groups to add staff members.
School Reporting Mode
Note: The default System Administrator, School Support, and Instructional Leader Access Groups already have this permission enabled by default.
For staff members who need access to view all student data at their affiliated school without requiring teachers to manually share access to individual assignments, enabling the School Reporting Mode permission may be what you're needing. This permission will add access to School Reporting Mode from the Teacher Mode Account Menu drop-down menu. This permission grants the staff member with access to all student data at their affiliated school.
Enable the following permissions under the Assignment & Data Management category to create the custom School Reporting Mode group:
Once the custom School Reporting Mode group has been created, follow the steps in Custom Access Groups to add staff members.
Student Visibility Permission
The Student Visibility Permission grants staff members access to the Teacher page in Teacher Mode as well as the ability to create Class Groups from the Classes page in Teacher Mode.
Teacher Page
The Teacher Page grants staff admins with visibility to all teachers at their affiliated schools without needing to click over into Admin Mode. With a quick click, you can view all teachers and their affiliated classes without needing to navigate to Admin Mode.
Class Groups and Online Access
The Student Visibility Permission allows staff members to create Class Groups so they can easily organize classes for the purpose of printing forms, scanning students' responses, and setting up online access.
Users with the Student Data Visibility permission can assign online access in the following ways:
Search their own classes
Search their own students
Search Class Groups
Users have the ability to assign online access for multiple classes at once.
Note: If teachers need access to the data, the user may share the assignment with the applicable sharing permissions.
Create a new Custom Access Group titled Student Visibility and enable the following permission under the Assignment & Data Management category to create the custom Student Visibility group:
Once the custom Student Visibility group has been created, follow the steps in Custom Access Groups to add staff members.
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