4. View Data from Shared Assignments
You asked, and we listened! You are no longer required to create or manage PLC Groups so that teachers can access anonymized student data. Teachers can access anonymized data for students they don't teach by simply sharing an assignment with that teacher. They will still use the Class filter to toggle between viewing data for their own classes or all classes - see View Data from Shared Assignments.
Under FERPA regulations to safeguard student identifiable information (PII), teachers are limited to viewing data for their assigned students unless additional permissions are granted within Gradient. If staff members need to view student-specific data, they can be granted access to School Reporting Mode or added to classes as co-teachers.
By default, all Gradient System Admins have access to create and manage PLC Groups within Admin Mode. No additional permissions are needed. Simply add classes to the PLC Group to allow members to view anonymized student data from shared assignments. Collaboration has never been easier in achieving results for the students you serve.
Create a PLC Group
To create a PLC Group, a system admin will need to complete the following steps:
- Within Admin Mode, select the More tab and then select PLC Groups.
- Click the blue New button on the right and input the PLC Group Name, Description (optional), and School fields.
- NOTE: If you leave the PLC Group school set to the District, it allows you to add classes from all school sites.
- Once the fields have been populated, click Save to create your new PLC Group.
Once a PLC Group is created, members are able to view anonymized student data from shared assignments for others' classes in the group.
Manage a PLC Group
You have the option to edit a PLC Group name and description as well as add or remove classes as needed.
Edit PLC Group Name/Description
- Within Admin Mode, select the More tab and then select PLC Groups.
- Click the check box to the left of the PLC Group you wish to edit and click Edit from the toolbar on the right.
- A pop-up will appear allowing you to edit the PLC Group name and/or description.
- NOTE: You will not be permitted to edit the school field once it has been set. If you need to change the school affiliation, follow the steps below for deleting a PLC Group and re-create it with the desired school.
- Click Save once your edits are finished.
Add Classes
Add classes to a PLC Group:
- Within Admin Mode, select the More tab and then select PLC Groups.
- Click on the title of the PLC Group you would like to manage.
- From within the PLC Group, click the blue Manage button on the right.
You have the option to search for classes by school, term, teacher, period, or by keyword via the general search field.
- Click the check boxes for individual classes or select all classes in the list by clicking the top checkbox. Click Save once your class selections have been made.
Remove Classes
Remove classes from a PLC Group as needed:
- Within Admin Mode, select the More tab and then select PLC Groups.
- Click on the title of the PLC Group to view the list of classes currently in the group.
- Click the check boxes to the left of the classes you wish to remove.
- Click the red Remove classes button to confirm the removal.
Delete a PLC Group
To delete a PLC Group:
- Click on the More tab within Admin Mode and select PLC Groups.
- Click the check box to the left of the PLC Group you wish to delete.
- Click the Delete button from the toolbar on the right.
- Click the red Delete Group button to confirm you wish to delete.
Once a PLC Group has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Simply click the blue New button on the upper right to create a new PLC Group and add the desired classes.
View Data from Shared Assignments
After a shared assignment has been administered, be sure to update the Class Filter on the Reports page to All classes so that you can view the student data for your class(es) as well as the anonymized data for other classes.
The Reports page may be accessed by either of the two paths referenced below.
- Navigate directly to the assignment and click the Reports tab, or
- Select the View Reports tile from the Gradient Home Page.
From the Assignment:
1. From the Home Page of your Gradient account, click on the View Assignments tile or the Assignments icon from the left menu bar.
2. Click the title of the assignment that was administered and select the Reports tab within the assignment.
3. From the Reports page, scroll all the way to the bottom of the Reports menu on the left to view the FILTERS, and update the filter from My classes to All classes. You have the option to click the Filters drop-down menu in the upper right corner to make the same selection. This will ensure you are viewing data for all of the students in other classes and not only your own rostered students.
From the Reports Tile:
1. From the Home Page of your Gradient account, click on the View Reports tile or the Reports icon from the left menu bar.
2. From the Reports page on the Assignments Overview report, select the specific assignment you wish to view.
3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Reports menu on the left to view the FILTERS, and update the filter from My classes to All classes. You have the option to click the Filters drop-down menu in the upper right corner to make the same selection. This will ensure you are viewing data for all of the students in other classes and not only your own rostered students.
Happy collaborating!
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