Reports can be viewed by selecting a specific assignment and selecting the Reports tab. A user can select View Reports from the home screen or the sidebar navigation and then select any assignment that has been shared with them or that they have authored.
Reports Overview
The default landing page for reports is the Score Graph. From this report, a staff member can get a general idea of performance on the assignment(s) and basic statistics on the group of students they have access to. All reports within Gradient are filtered to display data based on current terms and rostering access of the staff member viewing the report.
In the top right corner of the report, the default filters are set to show data for the following:
- Student Progress = Turned In
- Class = My Classes (as designated by the rostering source)
- Term = Current Terms (based on dates for terms from the rostering source)
If data does not appear as expected, adjust the filters accordingly or check how the assignment was shared by the author.
Note: Be sure to update the Class Filter on the Reports page from My classes to All classes so that you can view the student data for your class(es) as well as the anonymized data for other classes, if desired.
Report Navigation
Use the sidebar navigation to expand the Reports menus and view available reports and custom demographic information (if available).
All reports can be viewed as a list view for Students, Classes, Teachers, and Schools with:
- An Overview with total or average scores (as applicable)
- A By Question analysis
- A By Standard analysis (if standards were added to the questions on the key)
- A Lowest Standard analysis (if standards were added to the questions on the key)
Report Options
Each report selected will have performance band and configure options that can change the view or printed output of the report. The most popular configure settings are for:
Item Analysis - configure to "Hide student names and scores" so that the data can be displayed or shared with the class without revealing student information. | |
Students Exam Report - configure to "Only show questions with less than max points" to shorten the reports sent home. |
Teachers, Classes, and Schools Overview - configure to "Show percentage values" to see the percentage vs. the total number of students' responses that fall into every performance band range in the Response Distribution chart. |
Download or Print Reports
Reports can be downloaded or printed in various formats, including PDF, Excel, and CSV.
Reports can be downloaded into an Excel or CSV file.
The download icon appears for most Reports pages.
- Prior to downloading, select the Configure icon to review the options for each report.
- Select Excel or CSV from the drop-down menu.
Excel will display all color coding and headers similar to how they appear within Gradient. A CSV download will remove formatting and provide the raw data.
Gradient reports are dynamic and intended to be viewed and analyzed online so that the data stays fresh and analysis can be flexible. However, most reports offer a Print option located within the Download icon that will provide a printable view of the report data displayed on the screen.
- The only report that is formatted to be printed is the Student Exam Report.
- Other reports may be printed on paper or saved as a PDF following the print dialog.
Training Resources for Data Analysis
There are many training resources available to staff interested in learning more about Gradient reports:
- Download PDF Coaching Guides that provide recommended questions and use cases for popular reports
- Visit the Gradient 101 sessions for on-demand recordings (all under 15 minutes)
- Visit the Smart Sessions for Leaders to get trainers or instructional leaders up to speed
- If you are part of a School or District subscription, ask your Gradient Leader to inquire about purchasing PD for your staff!
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