1. Create a Student Group
2. Add or Remove Students from a Student Group
3. Filter Reports by Student Group
4. Clone and Delete Student Groups
Student Groups allow staff to create report filters for viewing subgroups of students.
- A student group can be made from students you have access to via rosters or permissions
- A student group may be a subgroup within a single class or spanning multiple classes
- A student group is manually managed by the creator and should be named using a naming convention with year, term, and purpose included
Create a Student Group
- Navigate to the Students page.
- From the left sidebar menu, click Student Groups.
- Click the blue NEW button to enter the Group Name, an optional description, and the specific students you would like to add to the student group. You have the option to check the box for Select All Students as well.
Tip! In order to best organize your student groups, we recommend adding a naming convention that includes the academic year, term, or group purpose. For example: "2022-2023 Algebra I Intervention" or "22-23 S1 Algebra I After-School Group"
- Click the blue Save button when finished.
Add or Remove Students from a Student Group
Adding Students to a Student Group
- Click on the title of the student group to open the selected group
- Use the blue Add button from the toolbar to enter additional student names
- Click the blue Save button when finished
Removing Students from a Student Group
- Click on the title of the student group to open the selected group
- Check the boxes next to the student name(s) you would like to remove
- Click the Remove button from the toolbar
Filter Reports by Student Group
Student Groups appear in the Reports filters. This allows leaders looking across classes, teachers, and schools to view data for a group of students without needing to DRILL IN or individually select each student when they want to analyze an assignment report. To use Student Groups within Reports filters:
- Navigate to reports by either clicking the View Reports tile or selecting Reports from the left sidebar menu.
- From the Reports page, select the assignment(s) and report you'd like to analyze.
- Click the Filters dropdown. Select the desired Student Group to filter the report view.
Clone and Delete Student Groups
Clone a Student Group
To clone a Student Group, click the checkbox and then select the Clone button from the toolbar.
A pop-up window will appear allowing you to edit the Group Name or to add or remove students if you like before saving. Once your edits are finished, click the blue Save button to save your newly cloned student group.
Delete a Student Group
To delete a student group, click the checkbox and then select the Delete button from the toolbar.
A pop-up window will appear allowing you to officially delete the student group. Click the blue Delete button to permanently remove the selected student group. You'll see a green banner temporarily appear in the upper right confirming that your student group has successfully been removed.
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