Performance Bands (grading scales) can be created by individual users or by Gradient Leaders with access to any of the 3 default Access Groups within a Gradient School/District subscription.
In the case where a district has multiple schools, Performance Bands created by one school will be available to all schools. We recommend applying a naming convention, such as the school acronym, to the Performance Band to help identify the source.
Performance Bands can be customized so that names, labels, percent ranges, and colors used within Gradient assignments and reports match your preferences.
Create Performance Bands
1. Click on your initials in the top right corner to access your Account Menu and select Settings.
2. Select Performance Bands.
3. Enter a name for the New Performance Band and click Add.
4. Select Edit to change names, abbreviations, colors, and ranges.
5. Use the Add Another Range button to add a range level.
Tips for making edits:
- Type in the field to edit.
- To edit the range, we recommend adjusting the lower end of the range, and the top end of the range will automatically update.
- Choose the color box drop-down to pick a new color for the range level.
- Remove any range with the minus icon.
Note: You must have a minimum of two range levels for a performance band.
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