A number grid response has gridded columns in which students enter a numeric answer and fill in the corresponding bubbles for each column. Number grid responses are auto-graded, meaning once a student submits a response, it will be automatically graded for the assignment based on how the assignment author set up the key.
Create Basic Number Grid
Start with a Multiple-Question Assignment and then edit questions to use the Number Grid question type for your key.
1. From the Keys tab, select the question to open the question editor window (or check the box next to the question to Edit via the toolbar).
2. Adjust the question type to Number Grid. A Form Preview will display at the bottom of the Question Editor window as you make your selections.
3. For the Column Configuration, select Basic. This will use use the same characters for each column.
4. Enter or adjust the numbers and symbols used for the columns. See the TIP: for the characters available for use.
5. Adjust the number of columns needed for the gridded response. For example, an answer of 11:05 would need 5 columns.
6. If the assignment will be delivered online using the Student Portal, adjust the option for how students will enter answers, either Filling Out a Bubble Grid or Typing in the Answer.
7. Enter the correct answer.
8. If a range of answers is acceptable, enter the % Tolerance and review the range of acceptable answers.
Note: If no tolerance is needed, there must be a 0 in the field.
9. Adjust the point value if needed.
Note: By default, the point value will be 1 point. See the article on Partial Credit to adjust point values for alternate answer options.
10. After completing any additional customization SAVE AND CLOSE. Use NEXT and PREVIOUS to navigate to other questions to edit as needed.
Additional Question Options
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