Use the Extra Credit option to give points to students that get a question correct. Students that have the wrong response will not lose any points for extra credit. Extra credit can be applied to questions on an assignment key before or after student responses have been collected. If there are already collected assignments, student scores will be recalculated to account for the extra credit applied to the selected questions.
Add Extra Credit to an Assignment
Extra credit can be applied to Multiple Choice, True/False, Number Grid, Numeric, Fill in the Blank, Rubric/Points, and Open Response Capture question types. See the Overview of Questions Types for more information.
1. From the Keys tab, select the question to open the question editor window (or check the box next to the question to Edit via the toolbar).
2. Toggle Extra Credit on.
Display of Student Scores
On the Responses tab, the Points and Score columns may display values greater than 100%.
FAQ about Extra Credit
How do I give extra credit?
Any question in an assignment can be set as extra credit. Extra credit questions only add points to the students' overall score. The total point value of the assignment is not affected.
What types of assignments have the option for extra credit?
Extra Credit can be added to Observational assignments and Multiple Question Assignments (for any question type).
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