Assignments that are deleted will be moved to the Assignments category labeled Trash:
- Deleting an assignment does not remove shared access to the assignment. You must first stop sharing the assignment to others prior to deleting the assignment.
- Deleting an assignment will remove it from your View Assignments page, your Current Assignments list and from the subscription's School Reporting Mode.
- You will not be able to scan forms for an assignment you deleted (until you remove it from the Trash).
- Student data will no longer be active in your assignment reports.
Delete an Assignment
1. From the home page, select the Assignments icon from the left sidebar or choose the View Assignments tile.
2. To delete an assignment from the list, check the box in front of the assignment name, and select More [...] from the toolbar. Then select Trash from the Actions list.
Restore an Assignment (Untrash)
1. To find deleted assignments, use the left sidebar filter for Trash. To return the assignment to the Current Assignments list and School Reporting Mode, place a check in the box in front of the assignment name.
2. Select More [...] from the toolbar. Then select Untrash from the Actions list.
Permanently Delete an Assignment
To delete an assignment forever from your account, go to the list of assignments in Trash and select the checkbox in front of the assignment name (or use the select all option to permanently delete all trash) [1]. Select Delete Forever [2] in the toolbar.
Confirm you want to permanently delete the assignment by clicking Delete Forever. This can not be undone. This will remove the assignment and student data from all of your assignment viewing options and reports.
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