4. Move Student Responses Between Classes
From the Responses tab within an Assignment, a teacher can view, edit or delete a student's response.
View Student Responses
From the Responses tab, there are a few options to note for viewing student responses below:
- Under the scanning window in the left side panel there are FILTERS that determine what the page displays. Adjust the FILTERS to change the default view set to Current Terms and All My Classes.
Note: Assignment data is tied to the term in which it was administered. Updating the Term Filter from Current Terms to All Terms allows you to view, for example, Semester 1 student responses when the term has passed.
- There is also a Show Details toggle in the toolbar that expands the default display.
To view a specific student's scanned or online response, select the student's name. The student's responses will appear in the edit window on the right.
Note: Correct answers show a green check, partial credit answers show a blue dash, and incorrect answers show a red X on the left with the correct answer on the right.
Edit Student Responses
If there is a need to edit a response (for a mis-bubbling error or erase mark that was counted as an incorrect response), a teacher can update student responses following the directions below:
1. After selecting a student's name from the Responses tab, a teacher can edit a student's response by selecting the correct bubbled answer or de-selecting a mis-bubbled answer.
2. Choose Save and Close before moving on. |
While reviewing student responses, some teachers discover an answer key error they'd like to correct. If this happens, look at the options for editing a question here. An edit made to a key will rescore all scanned or online submissions and update reports and the portal.
Note: To grade other question types, see Rubric Questions or Score By Question
Delete Student Responses
You have the option to permanently delete student responses in an assignment for specific students or the entire class. From the Responses tab within the assignment, there are a few options to note for viewing student responses.
- Under the scanning window on the left are filters that determine what this page displays. Adjust the filters to change the default view that is set to Current Terms and All My Classes.
Note: Assignment data is tied to the term in which it was administered. Updating the Term Filter from Current Terms to All Terms allows you to view, for example, Semester 1 student responses when the term has passed.
- There is also a Show Details toggle that expands the default display.
1. Select the box to the left of each student's name for the responses you wish to delete from the assignment.
Note: To delete an entire class, use the "Select All" feature from the dropdown menu or click the checkbox beside the search box.
2. Select Delete from the toolbar.
Note: When student response data is deleted, it cannot be recovered.
Move Student Responses Between Classes
The Move feature allows a teacher to move assignment scans or online responses from students between classes or terms to:
- Correct a mistake during scanning if the wrong class was selected for student(s) paper forms
- Move assignment results from one class to another if duplicate classes were created during the rostering process that later need to be deleted
To move assignment responses, first select the assignment that has graded responses.
1. From the Responses tab, check the box in front of the student(s) whose responses are to be moved to another class. | |
2. Select the More icon from the toolbar, then select Move.
3. Select the class where you want the responses to be moved. A summary of the changes will be displayed, if correct, select Move. |
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