The feature(s) mentioned in this article are only available to Gradient for Schools/Districts or Individual Teacher Premium subscribers. See plan differences here.
Versions and Variations give assignment authors the ability to differentiate the format of their assignments for the purpose of test security and/or student accommodations. Each feature meets the need for specific use cases for delivering the assignments and later viewing reports. Watch the video to learn which feature will best suit your needs.
Create Variations
Teachers can use Variations to analyze student response data by question and answer choices across different tests that have mixed question order (while maintaining the same answer choice order).
- Variations require that all questions and answers are the same (questions can be in a different order but answer choices must remain the same)
- Variations can be used with printed forms and online access (random assignment or selected by student)
Create Versions
Teachers can use Versions to provide different question layouts or answer choices across assignments that measure a common set of standards or skills. This option works well when your versions across tests do not have the same questions and answer choices or when the question formats differ across versions.
- Versions can have varying or mixed answer choices for questions that appear on one or more tests.
- Versions will create separate data analysis reports for item analysis as the questions and answer choices don't need to be the same across the versions.
- Adding standards to questions across the versions allows for a deeper analysis of the student response data.
- Versions are often used with assignments that have been modified for student accommodations, such as different question types or limited answer choices.
- Versions can be used with printed pre-filled forms and online access (random assignment or selected by student).
Note: Forms where students bubble in their version only work if all the versions of the assignment keep the same number and format of questions and answer choices.
Print Forms for Variations and Versions
There are a few options for printing forms for variations and versions:
- Since variations must preserve the same question and answer choice format by design, both generic and pre-filled forms can be printed.
- If all versions of the assignment have the exact same format and number of questions and answer choices, then generic or pre-filled forms can be printed.
- If any version of an assignment has any modified question formats (types), differing numbers of answer choices, or any structural changes to the assignment between versions then ONLY PRE-FILLED forms can be printed.
- For more information about form printing options review the Forms Overview.
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