1. Standards Analysis within an Assignment
2. Standards Analysis across Assignments
3. Training Resources for Data Analysis
Standards Analysis within an Assignment
When an assignment has questions aligned to standards, options appear for school, teacher, class, and student level analysis of performance by question, by standard, and distributed across the 3 lowest standards.
- To view reports within an Assignment, start from the View Assignments tile on the home page or the left sidebar icon and select the assignment. Then, access the Reports tab.
BY QUESTION - To analyze performance on standards for a list of students, classes, teachers, or schools select the category on the left sidebar and choose either By Question or the new By Question - BETA report. Take a look at the example Student By Question - BETA report below.
BY STANDARD - To analyze performance for a list of students, classes, teachers, or schools select the category on the left sidebar and choose By Standard. See the example of the Class By Standard report below.
LOWEST STANDARDS - To analyze performance for a list of students, classes, teachers, or schools, select the category on the left sidebar and choose Lowest Standard. See the example of the School Lowest Standards report below.
Standards Analysis across Assignments
Analysis of student performance across standards over multiple assignments requires knowledge of which standards are linked to specific assignments. This analysis sometimes leads to new naming conventions for standards-based formatives, more short-cycle assessments, and assessments with more questions linked to fewer standards.
- To view standard reports across Assignments, start from the View Reports tile on the home page or the left sidebar icon. Use the checkboxes next to the assignments you want to compare. Then choose Drill Into to access reports.
ASSIGNMENTS BY STANDARD—This report displays a list of the selected assignments and the average performance for each standard linked to them. See the example of the Assignment By Standard report below configured to show Performance Band Labels.
STUDENTS BY STANDARD - Displays a list of students with their average performance for each standard across the selected assignments. See the example of the Student by Standard report below configured to show Performance Band Labels
STANDARDS OVERVIEW - Shows a list of all standards linked across the selected assignments. |
LONGITUDINAL - Shows a clickable legend of standards with the average performance of each standard across multiple assignments. |
Training Resources for Data Analysis
Resources for training or learning more about Gradient Reports can be found:
- In the form of PDF Quick Guides Coaching Data
- In our Smart Session library for leaders
- In our Gradient 101 on-demand sessions for teachers
If you are part of a School or District subscription, ask your Gradient Leader to reach out to inquire about purchasing PD for your staff.
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