Did you know that you can sort the data you're viewing in reports? You can also mark commonly used reports as Favorites for easy access. Check out these great tips and more when viewing, downloading, or printing reports.
Sorting Data
Change the order in which data is viewed using column headers.
The column headers in each report can be selected to sort the report in ascending or descending order.
Favorite Reports
Create a Favorites category for quick access to your most-used reports.
- Locate one of your favorite reports.
- Select the heart next to the report name.
A Favorites category will be added to the Reports sidebar with each Favorites report.
If you scroll to the bottom of the Reports left side panel, you will find the adjustable FILTERS fields that allow you to filter the data you are looking at (dependent on the selected view or report). Some FILTERS fields with drop-down options include Student Progress, Class, Student Group, and Term.
Drill Into Data
The Drill Into icon appears when you have selected one or more items for comparison by placing a check in the box next to each item.
As an example, if you wanted to view student performance on more than one assignment, you would:
Check the box next to the assignments that you'd like to compare.
- Select the Drill In icon to make the selected items your filters to use for viewing all other reports.
Some examples of ways to drill in are listed below:
- Filter the report using the checkboxes for students, classes, teachers, or schools to limit your view of the data to only the selected items.
- Compare student performance across two or more assignments that covered similar content. This works well for pre-/post-test comparisons, formative assignments that focused on the same skill or standard, or to look at standards over time.
This feature is only available to Gradient for Schools subscribers. Please contact to upgrade your subscription.
Hover over report visualizations to reveal student or performance data.
In the Class Overview report, hover over the black down arrow to reveal the class average for the selected assignment.
Configure Reports
Each report has its own configure options for viewing, downloading, and printing the report. Some of the most used configure options are displayed below:
Configure reports to Hide student names and scores.
Configure the Student Exam Report to Show correct answers and max points and/or Only show questions with less than max points.
Configure reports to display scores as Percent with Performance Bands and/or Performance Band Abbreviation for standards-based or rubric-based analysis of performance when "percent" scores aren't relevant.
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