Check Before Printing
Prior to printing forms, scanning, or using grade transfer there are three prerequisites to check that might save you troubleshooting time:
1. Prior to test week, ensure you have access to the assignments you need. Assignment access is often based on sharing by the author of the assignment. If you're already the author, you're good to go!
2. Check with your Gradient leader(s) about when your term starts and ends for your current classes so you know the deadline for when you need to finish grading. Classes must be "current" to allow you to print forms, scan, and grade transfer. If a term ends in the middle of your assignment scanning or grading process, it can sometimes appear that classes or data has disappeared.
3. Determine what type of form you will use for your assignment. Each form has its PROs and CONs.
Form Printing Tips
Tip 1: Use Pre-Filled Forms
- Use pre-filled forms to enhance scanning accuracy and remove the need for troubleshooting mis-bubbled IDs or choosing which class the student belongs to.
Tip 2: Form Identifiers are Required
- Make sure the form identifier bubbles (at the bottom of a form) or the bar codes (at top and bottom of longer forms) are visible on the form. If you've used an old form from years ago or cut off the form code or bar codes to save space on your page, the forms will not scan.
Tip 3: Printing Matters
- Print single-sided forms only.
- If generic forms are being printed and then copied for multiple students or classes, start with an original printed form from your printer to ensure the best copies.
Tip 4: Current Rosters are Needed
- If you are not seeing classes within an assignment in the form printing window, contact your Gradient Leader(s) to check term setup or rostering.
Bubbling Tips
- Clearly bubble in their answers (writing an 'X' is not sufficient)
- Write only in the designated areas of the form (outside marks, doodling, and notes can cause scanning errors)
- Erase completely if necessary
- Note: If using a pen, students can mark their incorrect answer with an 'X' and bubble in their new selection. However, this will likely require teacher review.
- Refrain from making any marks in the Form Identifier section or on form bar codes, depending on the assignment type
Scanning Tips
Camera scanning troubleshooting can be device-specific. Review our Scanning Settings article for more detailed tips about what you can try if you can't get camera scanning to work on your device.
- Prior to any summative or high-stakes test, practice with students and your technology to make sure everything works the way you expect. Create a just-for-fun quiz. Model WHAT NOT TO DO as well as review any of your own guidelines and expectations for responses.
- If generic forms are used, Student ID bubbles must be completely filled in and additional drawing or doodling outside and around the form will likely impact scanning.
- Try different camera heights (maybe it's too high or maybe too close). If students are using a pencil, make sure the lighting is not creating a glare on the filled-in bubbles.
- Forms should be right-side up in the camera window - the form identifier should be on the bottom.
- The green rectangle must be around the form, within the camera view window, when scanning.
- If you've tried everything and the device you've used before to scan just isn't cooperating, try uninstalling the GradeCam Helper and re-installing or using your phone, or trying File Scanning.
- No app download is required for Mobile Scanning. Just open a web browser (Chrome is preferred), visit and login just like you regularly do from your computer or laptop. Choose the Scan Forms tile to select the assignment you want to scan.
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